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This one-day develops the core competencies that managers and HR professionals require to resolve workplace disputes between two employees within their organisation at the early stage of the grievance process.
The course utilises best practice in all aspects of mediation and conflict management helping participants to embed mediation into their portfolio. We provide the skills and strategies that managers need to nip issues in the bud – before they escalate out of control.
We recommend that all managers and leaders along with Personnel, HR, ER and OD assistants, managers and directors attend this course. This course can also act as a ‘stepping stone’ to more formal mediation and dispute resolution training for HR professionals who wish to develop these skills further.
This one-day programme consists of the following key units:
Module 1: Setting up and managing a workplace mediation
In this module we will focus on how the mediator’s role is to gather information by listening to all sides. We will then explore how the mediator should look for common ground, identify issues and help both parties decide how to settle them together. The mediator asks each participant to describe the actions they would like to see the other party take.
Module 2: Introducing Facilitate, Appreciate, Innovate and Resolve as a four-way approach to mediation
We will spend some time exploring the four elements above gaining an understanding as to how they can help when going through the mediation process. The four principles also help in many other walks of leadership and management too like coaching and mentoring people.
Module 3: Core mediation skills
During this module, we will look at and understand the principles and theory of mediation as well as knowing the importance of creating a safe environment for mediation. We will also explore the importance of building rapport and trust with people in conflict whilst maintaining an impartial role.
Module 4: Managing the joint meeting
One of the most challenging parts of mediation is placing a structure for ensuring that the mediation process is completed in a robust way. The structure works best aligned to your grievance process (the early stages). This module will allow us to focus on establishing the ground rules and invite the parties to make an opening statement.
Module 5: Key learning and next steps
With a focus on what has been learnt we will explore some scenarios with a focus on using some of the techniques we have learnt about during the session. Once completed, the delegates will create an action plan to allow them to focus on and understand any areas of development they may need to undertake to help grow their confidence in mediation.
All courses delivered by Switch Direction come with access to an online portal containing course materials after the session incorporated into the day rate below.
Full Day £720 (+VAT)
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