Day 1: Self-Awareness, Limiting Beliefs (NLP) and Self-Esteem
The session focuses on the quality of working relationships. The MBTI tool allows people to understand themselves and the importance of how differences at work enable a stronger more versatile team in identifying different perspectives.
The activity-based session allows people to develop a deeper understanding of their own preferred leadership management style and their impact on others in the workplace. People will gain an insight into how they may need to adjust their “natural” style to get good results. It will help people working alongside others to answer the question “what’s it like to work with/for me?”
Along with this we can also explore some Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) approaches to ability with a focus on understanding how we limit ourselves through unwarranted belief systems. Especially as a Manager/Leader when sometimes we question our own inner ability to make the right choices or decisions. These also have an impact on our self-esteem, confidence, and our working focus.
Business Strategy
A session with a focus on understanding of how team/departmental objectives should drive the business objectives forward whilst linking into the core values of the business. To do this, there is a focus on driving Transformational Leadership with a focus on inspiring others. So initially we will focus on: -
Then a focus on active ways in which true leadership can take control of situations by conveying a sharp vision of the organisation’s goals. These leaders have a marked passion for the work and an ability to make the rest of the group feel recharged and energized.
Transformational leaders focus on helping members of the group support one another and provide them with the support, guidance, and inspiration they need to work hard, perform well, and stay loyal to the group. The primary goals of transformational leadership are to inspire growth, promote loyalty, and instil confidence in group members with the concept of encouraging new leadership in the team. We will also look through the GROW model which is leadership coaching tool to help manage people expectations and keep focused on the departmental objectives.
Day 2: Problem Solving and Decision Making (Choice and Change / Control and Power)
The process of weighing out the options and making the best choices by identifying a decision, collecting information, and evaluating alternative resolutions.
It is essential to identify the strategies that help individuals make the right decisions and collectively reveal biases that influence the organisation's outcomes. Decision-Making skills enable individuals to demonstrate their ability to choose the best option between two or more options. We will explore the ramifications of making decisions and not making decisions in fear.
We will also spend some time looking into change theories with some active scenarios of how the theories can be applied in the working environment.
Emotional Intelligence and the Neo-Cortex
Linking back to the MBTI tool, we will explore the Daniel Goleman model of Emotional Intelligence with a focus on the five stages, self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy, and social skills.
This session will be a reflection on the self-awareness element, with emphasis on emotional regulation and a manager/leader using empathy and social skills to ensure the team/department are focused and motivated.
With this, we will explore the working of Professor Steve Peters and ‘The Chimp Paradox’ theories which explains the brains processes and how the Neo-Cortex, creates rationality in our thinking and is the area which depicts great management and leadership.
Public Course
£195 (+VAT) per, person, per day
Private, Closed Course
£1000 (+VAT) per day
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